Why Does My Dog Move Its Bed Around?

Why does my dog move his bed around

Have you been wondering why your dog tends to move its bed around?

Have you been worried about what this might mean and if your dog has been trying to tell you something?

If yes, then this post is meant for you as I’d be discussing possible reasons why your dog might have taken up the habit of moving its bed around.

So, why does my dog move his bed aroundThere are so many possible reasons for this behavior, some of which includes your dog wanting to be closer to you at night, your dog being cold at its previous sleeping space or your dog wanting to be away from noise or “strange” faces.

The fact is that knowing the reason behind your dog’s behavior would help you understand how to get it to stop, and if you should bother yourself over the habit altogether.

Page Contents

  • Why does my dog move his bed around
    • 1. He wants to get away from loud sounds and disturbances:
    • 2. Your dog is trying to find a cool spot in the house:
    • 3. Your dog is trying to get away from the bright light:
    • 4. Your dog is trying to get away from unfamiliar faces:
    • 5. Your dog is trying to be closer to you at nights:
    • 6. Your dog might be pregnant:

Why does my dog move his bed around?

Why does my dog move his bed around

1. He wants to get away from loud sounds and disturbances:

As a dog owner, you need to understand that your dog’s hearing ability is four times better than yours. Dogs can hear lower pitches and higher pitches that humans are incapable of picking up.

Your dog might be moving its bed around because it is trying to find a spot that is quiet and peaceful. So you might want to check the area where your dog sleeps, are there loud noises coming from appliances? Or speakers or the television?

Is your dog’s bed close to the window such that the sound of moving trucks could easily affect its rest? Loud noises are some of the factors that can bother your dog and negatively disrupt its sleep so you might want to keep its bed far away from any noise source.

2. Your dog is trying to find a cool spot in the house:

As a dog owner, you must learn to be very strategic about where you place your dog’s bed. It would help if you put into consideration certain factors such as the region where you reside and the climate change that occurs there.

Hence, with every seasonal change should come a modification in your dog’s bed space. If you notice that your dog keeps moving his bed around, then the temperature of the room could be the issue.

When your dog’s sleeping space is too hot or too cold, it could cause havoc to your dog’s health especially for dogs suffering from hip dysplasia or arthritis or even dog’s that have really thin and short coat.

Your dog’s bed should not be close to an open window or door, or under a chimney, or even any spot in the house that gets windy at nights as this can be very uncomfortable for your dog.

3. Your dog is trying to get away from the bright light:

Dogs react to darkness in different ways, because while some don’t mind sleeping in a dark room, others mind a whole lot. So, it pretty much depends on your dog’s specific preference.

However, it is crucial to understand that bright blinding lights would disrupt most dog’s sleeping pattern. So the key here is not to overdo it with the lights in your dog’s sleeping space.

Understand that dogs can see much better in low lights than humans. This is because they possess a light-reflective surface in their eyes that gives their retina a better chance at absorbing low lights, so a dim light would actually do the trick in their sleeping area.

Your dog might also be moving its bed around for a totally different reason, like the room being too dark. Some dogs get anxious and are afraid of the dark. So, it all boils down to observing your dog and taking into account what it likes and doesn’t like in its sleeping area.

It is important to add that some eye conditions might affect your dog’s sight causing your dog to move its bed around because he can’t see anything.

Hence you might want to check your dog in with a vet, especially if your dog’s fear of staying in a dark room seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

4. Your dog is trying to get away from unfamiliar faces:

Your dog might be moving its bed around because you have guests in the house or people he’s just not familiar with. Hence, your dog might want some privacy and a timeout away from the new scents that these guests bring.

This would most likely be the case if you have visitors or have gotten a new pet or even a new baby in the home, and your dog is simply unsure of what to make of this.

In this case, you might want to let your dog deal with this new situation in the way it wants to, as this usually passes almost as soon as it came.

However, if your dog still seems withdrawn after an extended period, then you might want to contact a dog behaviorist to enlighten you on how to handle the situation better.

5. Your dog is trying to be closer to you at nights:

It’s no new information that some dogs prefer to sleep in the same room as their owners. Your dog wanting to sleep right next to you is a sign of affection and of your dog’s loyalty and desire to protect you.

Hence, your dog moving its bed around might be because it wants a spot next to you. This will most likely be the case if your dog doesn’t already sleep in the same room as you.

6. Your dog might be pregnant:

It is an instinct in female dogs to nest when they are pregnant and expecting. They do this out of the need to create a safe spot in time for the arrival of their new puppies.

This would most likely be the case if your dog is a female or she just recently went into its heat. You might also want to consider that your dog moving her bed around might be because she’s pregnant if she hasn’t been sprayed and met with an intact male dog during her heat period.

Other signs of pregnancy in dogs include weight gain, loss of appetite, frequent vomiting, collecting items such as toys and treats, enlarged mammary glands and sometimes aggression.

If you believe that your dog’s behavior might be a result of pregnancy, then you might want to visit your local veterinarian as soon as possible to get you better informed on how to care for your dog and her puppies.


While a dog’s sleeping preference is personal and can usually change from time to time as a result of a variety of reasons.

The moment you find yourself asking the question “why does my dog move his bed around”, it’s always best to rule out the medical conditions that could be associated with such behavior first before focusing on the more mundane causes.

Once that has been settled, you can go on to inspect your dog’s sleeping environment for any factor that could be causing discomforts or affecting your dog.

Some dog owners even make it a point to have a laser thermometer as this would help them determine the temperature of the room and where to place their dog’s sleeping material per time.

As a dog owner, you must understand that just as you love a nice, warm and comfortable bed space, so does your dog. Most times, your dog moving its bed around usually has a no deeper meaning than they just want to be more comfortable.

I hope you have known about this topic: Why Does My Dog Move Its Bed Around?

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